Jackson Walker LLP



About Us

Founded more than 135 years ago, Jackson Walker is the largest law firm in the state of Texas. With more than 450 attorneys across seven offices, the Firm represents Fortune 500 companies, multinational corporations, major financial institutions, insurance companies, individuals, investors, and a wide range of public companies and private businesses around the globe.

A founding member of Globalaw™, Jackson Walker serves clients in more than 130 countries, helping businesses of all sizes navigate the increasingly complex legal landscape. We represent clients across all industries, including: energy, education, industrial engineering, consumer goods and services, real estate, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing and construction, financial services and banking, and technology, among others.

The Firm is ranked nationally in 25 practice areas in the U.S. News’ “Best Law Firms” rankings, has 16 Chambers-ranked practices, and has more attorneys ranked by Best Lawyers than any other firm in Texas.